Loneliness Is Bad For Your Mental and Physical Health

Loneliness is terrible for many reasons. For example, it can not only affect your mental health but can also cause physical health problems. But loneliness is not only about not being with someone since sometimes having some time to yourself is good. You can sort out your thoughts and unwind. It’s a feeling of being left out, not having a connection with anyone, and feeling you’re not important to anyone. You could be surrounded by people and still feel lonely.

How Loneliness Affects Your Mental and Physical Health

You could be the most popular person at work or anywhere else and still feel lonely. A study done in California revealed that 75% of Americans feel lonesome.

Loneliness is bad because it can harm our body by weakening our immune system and is as harmful as 15 cigarettes per day. It can also increase the chances of dementia, cognitive decline, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and a shorter life span.

Loneliness can also be dangerous because it can cause you to befriend anyone to feel you have someone to talk to. But those “friends” can end up getting you in trouble. What causes loneliness? There are several possible causes since what causes one person to be lonely doesn’t affect someone else. Psychologists mention that some people are susceptible to rejection or are easily intimidated and, therefore, decide not to interact with anything.

Loneliness can also affect your immune system and make it harder for you to fight off sickness. Since you feel discouraged, you’re less likely to go out and get some exercise, which can lead to health problems.

Your mental sharpness is also affected, making you less likely to remember things.

What Can I Do to Fight Loneliness?

There are several things you can do to fight loneliness. For example, you can:

  • Avoid activities that isolate you from others: Avoid using social media too much. It’s tempting, but try to limit your use little by little and try to go out more. You can get started by going out and being around people without talking to them and working your way to a conversation.
  • Create opportunities to help others: Have you ever helped someone, even with something small, and felt good about yourself later? Why not increase that feeling and look for opportunities to do something nice for someone?
  • Evade needless anxiety: There are problems you can fix and forget about them. But, some issues don’t have an immediate fix. Try your best to resolve the issue, feel happy you did everything possible, and move on. Spending all day worrying about the problem isn’t fix it; it will only hurt your physical and mental health. Also, avoid worrying about things that haven’t happened yet and might not happen at all. Asking yourself what if this and what if that isn’t going to make things better.
  • Spend time outside: Studies have shown that nature has many positive effects on your health. For example, it can help improve productivity and calmness, increase positive emotions, improve concentration, and more! Try to look for opportunities to go to the nearest park, enjoy the fresh air, and be around nature.
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More Loneliness Fighting Tips

  • Get a Massage: Have you ever felt better after a hug? Touch has many healing powers that can help improve how you feel and reduce stress. Since massages may be expensive (depending on where you live), why not try hugging a friend or family member just because?
  • Get a roommate: Why not get a roommate? You can split the rent and bills and get the company you need.
  • Adopt a furry friend: If your work schedule allows you to be home part or most of the day, why not get a furry friend and give them a forever home? Pets will show you their gratitude for giving them a home and will be very loyal and give you the love you want. You will be their whole world.
  • Get enough rest: Try setting a getting ready-for-bed routine. Stick to a schedule that works for you and try to avoid things such as looking at your devices for at least an hour before going to bed. The blue light exposure will only keep you up and prevent you from getting your rest.
  • Reach out: Keeping all those negative feelings inside is not a good idea. Find someone to talk to, whether it’s the bus driver or the barista. Maybe you won’t talk to them for an hour, but even a small conversation can help you feel better.
  • Try to avoid sugar: It’s tempting since when you feel down, you turn to these types of snacks to make you feel better. Who hasn’t turned to ice cream after having a bad day? Those types of foods can cause a big sugar spike that will later come down and increase your feelings of stress and depression. Sugar and ultra-processed foods can negatively affect your mental and physical health.
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Stay Positive

It’s difficult, but try to find the good side of any situation, even if it’s a small one. For example, you tripped while walking, but at least you didn’t fall. It was still embarrassing, but it could have been worse. This viewpoint will help you keep a positive outlook, help you fight loneliness, and give you the motivation you need to reach out to others for help.

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